The following ritual is meant to help us feel our connection to the Earth and affirm our committment to Her healing. It is designed as something that people of many different spiritual paths could practice. It is written as a rite to be celebrated by one person outdoors but with some imagination could be adapted to group practice.
Choose a site that feels right to you, whether that be a grassy field, a bank of a stream, a grove of pine trees, or your own back yard--wherever you feel most in touch with Nature. Take with you a cup of distilled water to which you have added a small amount of salt, a small container of organic peat moss or potting soil, a stick of incense (jasmine, honeysuckle, or another floral scent would be appropriate, or use a favorite scent) or a sage smudging stick (available at most metaphysical bookshops), some whole-grain bread and wine or fruit juice. Set the things you have brought down together in an area that you choose for your "altar", whether that be a tree stump or a cleared patch of ground. Once you have chosen a site, bless yourself with the incense, which combines the elements of Air and Fire, and with the salt water, which combines the elements of Water and Earth. Get comfortable and take some slow, deep breaths to relax you and focus you on the rite you are about to celebrate.
East: The east is the direction of Air, of sunrise, new beginnings, and inspiration. Become aware of your breath as you think about the Air. Close your eyes and feel the air around you. Is it cool? warm? moving? still? The Air you breathe has been breathed by many other people and beings, and will be breathed by many after you; it is part of the interconnectedness of all things. Feel the Air around you refresh you, renew you, inspire you. Say "I welcome the Air in this sacred circle. May the Air bring me the wisdom to understand that I am connected to all things and that what I do on this Earth affects others. Blessed be!"
South: The south is the direction of Fire, of action, enthusiasm, and will. Become aware of your energy as you think about the Fire. Close your eyes and feel the Sun's heat on you. How does the Sun feel on your skin? As the Earth turns through the days and seasons, the Sun shines on all parts of the world. The changes in its light and warmth cause plants to grow, bud, bloom, bear seeds, die, and sprout again in the seeds of their fruit; it is part of the interconnectness of all things. Feel the Sun warm you, encourage you, envigorate you. Say "I welcome the Fire in this sacred circle. May the Fire bring me the ability to act on my beliefs and do something to help the Earth around me. Blessed be!"
West: The west is the direction of Water, of cleansing, healing, and emotion. Become aware of your feelings as you think about the Water. Close your eyes and touch the water in the cup in front of you. Feel its coolness and the dampness on your skin. The water you touch may have come from a far ocean, where it evaporates, becomes clouds, travels hundreds of miles, falls as rain, is absorbed into the ground, trickles into streams which become creeks which become rivers which return to the ocean; it is part of the interconnectedness of all things. Feel the water cleanse you, heal you, calm you. Say "I welcome the Water in this sacred circle. May the Water bring me the compassion to care about healing this Earth we all share. Blessed be!"
North: The north is the direction of Earth, of foundation, strength, and growth. Become aware of your body as you think about the Earth. Close your eyes and feel the earth beneath you. Feel its texture against your skin. The earth beneath you was there when your parents and grandparents were born, when settlers crossed this land, when Native Americans hunted and gathered here, when there were no humans at all on the earth. Other things may come and go but the Earth remains; it is part of the interconnectedness of all things. Feel the Earth ground you, strengthen you, nurture you. Say "I welcome the Earth in this sacred circle. May the Earth bring me the perserverance to continue to act in ways that help the Earth tomorrow as well as today. Blessed be!"
Mother and Father of all things, | |
The Earth is Your body- | |
  | yet You hold in Your hands the dance of the cosmos. |
You are within all- | |
  | yet within You are all things. |
Help me to remember | |
  | that through You I am connected to all else. |
Teach me to consider | |
  | that what I do affects others. |
Be with me now | |
  | as I share my healing |
  | with this Earth that is You. |
Now stand in the center of your circle. Breathe slowly and deeply, as if every pore of your body were inhaling and exhaling. Feel at one with Nature around you. Imagine you are a tree, with roots deep in the Earth drawing energy up your spine, out branches at the top of your head, and back to the Earth where it begins the circuit again. Feel your power, the power to create, the power to change, the power to act, the power to heal. You are connected to all else; what you do does make a difference.
With this awareness of your personal power, sprinkle the clean, rich soil lightly across your sacred space. This soil is pure, containing no chemicals, pollutants, or poisons. As you sprinkle the soil, think of how the place you are at is connected to all other places. Imagine all the Earth becoming this pure. Imagine toxic wastes being cleaned up, companies recycling their pollutants, farmers using only organic pesticides.
Now take the cup of fresh water and sprinkle your sacred space. Feel how the purified water you share with the Earth connects with all else. Imagine oil spill cleanups, acid rain prevention, pure natural springs safe to drink from, clean rivers, lakes, and oceans all over this planet. Know that what you do, however small, makes a difference, because all is connected, and the only way to heal the whole is like this--one small part at a time!
Sing or chant:
The Earth is our Mother, | This sacred ground we walk upon, |
She will take care of us. | With every step we take. |
The Earth is our Mother, | his sacred ground we walk upon, |
She will take care of us. | With every step we take. |
    Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon, |     Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon, |
    Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon. |     Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon. |
  | |
The Earth is our Mother, | |
We must take care of Her. | |
The Earth is our Mother, | |
We must take care of Her. | |
    Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon. | |
    Hey and a ho and a hey yon yon. |
Take the bread and hold it for a moment. Say "This is the body of the Mother, the Earth. I thank Her for the nourishment that passes from Her body to mine. Blessed be!" Eat some of the bread.
Hold the juice for a moment. Say "This is the blood that flows from the womb of the Mother, the Earth. I thank Her for the love which flows from Her hesrt to mine. Blessed be!" Drink some of the juice.