The Tools of the Craft
When people think of Witchcraft, they often think of the tools on the altar. While these aren't the sum of the Craft by any means, they are certainly used in a lot of rituals. The most important thing to remember about ritual tools is that they are just that - tools. "If the power be not in the wielder, it will never be in the tool." Ritual tools hold great archetypical symbolism. When used to evoke the subconscious responses that symbols are wont to do, they are very effective. They add a great deal of drama to ritual, and drama is another important tool in ritual use. However, I've noticed that it seems the more a Witch has to use the tools, the less powerful the Witch generally is. They are symbols. The reality behind the symbols is something else entirely, and irrelevant of the actual symbol chosen.
That soapbox kicked aside for the moment (grin), let's look at the tools themselves.
The Athame
The athame is the knife used to cast the circle. Traditionally this is a black handled dagger, although any knife with which you feel an affinity may be used. The athame is the tool used to set limits and create boundaries, which is why it is used to cast the circle. It is traditionally double-edged, to symbolized the double-edged sword of truth, the power to make decisions based on knowledge and to discriminate wisely. Because of its association with truth and knowledge, it corresponds to Air and the East (although because it is a tool of action, some traditions place it in the South).
The Wand
The wand can be a stick you pick up in the woods or an elaborately decorated crystal wand. The wand can be used like the athame and therefore is sometimes associated with the Air and the East. However, because its most common use is to focus energy and will change, the wand is traditionally associated with Fire and South.
The Cup
The cup is used to hold the blessed salt water, the tears of sorrow and the joyous waters of rebirth. The cup is used to cleanse and heal, and is associated with the Grail of immortality. Because it is associated with emotions, the Cup corresponds with Water and the West.
The Pentacle
The pentacle is the five-pointed star of the five elements on the circle of rebirth, the circle of the full moon, of always-changing eternity. One point is facing upwards to symbolize the eminence of spirit. The pentacle is used for grounding and blessing, and as such corresponds with Earth and the North.
The Cauldron
The cauldron transforms all it contains. It can be used to hold destroying fire, the waters of rebirth, or simply a good stew to feed the Circle. It symbolized Cerridwen's cauldron which is the tomb of death that becomes the womb of rebirth. It corresponds to Spirit or Chaos, the Center.
Salt has been used for thousands of years to preserve. It is used to purify and ground, and is associated with the Earth and North.
The Bolline
The bolline, or white-handled knife, is used in traditional Craft to actually cut things (traditionally, the athame never is used actually to cut). Purists say it must only be used in a consecrated circle; "kitchen witches" say that it can be used anywhere and using it makes the act sacred.

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