Examples of Ritual Parts
Now that you've seen the outline structure of a ritual, I'll show some examples of the sorts of things that might be 'plugged into' that structure. I have listed what tradition they are from and what author I got them from if I am quoting from a book; please note that just because it says 'Alexandrian: the Farrars' doesn't necessarily mean the Farrars' actually wrote it; that's the tradition and the author of the book, not the author of the ritual part. Although anything from Thalia Clan does include the actual author, just to be confusing.
Consecration of Salt and Water
As Salt is life, let it purify us in all ways we may use it. Let it cleanse our bodies and spirits as we dedicate ourselves in these rites, to the glory of the God and Goddess. Let the Sacred Salt drive out any impurities in this Water, that we may use it throughout these rites.
- Seax: Raymond Buckland
Creatures of Water, Children of the West, remove all feelings of that would cloud our thoughts. Replace them with confidence and clarity of purpose. Blessed be.
Creatures of Salt, Children of the North, we ask that your blessings of integrity and inner strength be our blessings here today. Blessed be.
As we blend those two elements, we ask that all here find inner balance within themselves. So mote it be.
- Blue Star: Tzipora Klein
Chants for Entering the Circle:
The moon is high at the witching hour;
Spirits come to this place of power;
Our hands are raised to four directions;
Spirit force is born again. (A corresponding closing is found under "Closing the Circle")
-*- Hear this chant (spirpwr.mid) -*-
Listen to the Lord and Lady call Their children in the moonlight...
-*- Hear this chant (listento.mid) -*-
The Lord and Lady call us on a cold and moonlit night:
"Welcome to the Hearthfire where there's warmth and love and light!"
- Cecylyna
-*- Hear this chant (hearthfr.mid) -*-
Casting the Circle
Join with me in creating this Circle as the Hearth about which we gather in love, joy, and friendship; as a boundary between our everyday world and the realm of mystery; as a shield against the worries of everyday life and the machinations of darkness; and as a sphere of protection to focus and contain the energy we send forth. We bless and consecrate this Circle in the names of Thalia and Dionysus. So mote it be!
- Thalia Clan: adapted by Cecylyna from traditional
I conjure thee, O Circle of Power, that thou beest a meeting place of love and joy and truth; a shield against all wickedness and evil; a boundary between the world of men and the realms of the Mighty Ones; a rampart and protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia.
- Alexandrian: Janet and Stuart Farrar
Chants For Casting The Circle
We are a circle within a circle
With no beginning and never ending.
-*- Hear this chant (circl1.mid) -*-
The circle shapes us, body and mind,
Heart and soul are one.
-*- Hear this chant (crclshap.mid) -*-
Witches weave your circle bright
Spin a web of golden light,
Earth and air and fire and water
Bind us as one.
-*- Hear this chant (witchweb.mid) -*-
Next, more examples of the types of things that can be included as parts of a ritual.